6th Annual EUSAIR Forum
Izola, Slovenia | 11-12 May 2021The Adriatic and Ionian Region is a home to more than 70 million inhabitants.
There are many generations and only one future in front of us, let's unite our forces and start an inter-generational exchange to learn from each other’s experiences, expectations and views to pave the way towards the future of EUSAIR with fresh ideas!
A quick sum-up
The first side event of #6thEUSAIRForum under #SloPresidencyEUSAIR was attended by 43 young and very motivated participants to help directing our region into a greater future!
The purpose of the event was to prepare our youth to properly build up their messages and to be the voice of the future at the 6th EUSAIR Forum.

David DeVallance, Vice-Rector for Internationalization, University of Primorska, Research Group Leader: Renewable Materials Composites, @InnoRenewCoE gave an inspirational introduction to warm up the participants, while presenting UniAdrion's work inspired by Benjamin Franklin's quote: "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." He concluded with teasing questions such as: How will you involve yourself in these activities? How will each of you lead the change?

The sea may seem endless while sitting at the coast and enjoying the view, but it's not able to consume endless pollution, therefore Neva Ulčar from International Environmental Law Clinic presented legal obligations regarding waste plastics and microplastics in our region.

What about @EU_Commission DG EAC?
@EUErasmusPlus will offer even more opportunities in 2021-2027 for ca. 10m participants!

And for our participants, once again, don't be a stranger, communicate with us and through us! ;)

To learn more about the event take a look at its concept note and agenda!
All the presentations being used at the event are available HERE.
For more information contact us through: eusair.point.svrk@gov.si