Following the ‘EU Youth Strategy’ resolution and the ‘Manifesto for young people by young people to shape the European cooperation policy’ and the recognised need for stronger involvement of youth in EUSAIR decision-making, agreement was reached in 2022 under the EUSAIR Albanian Presidency and confirmed by adoption of the Tirana Declaration to establish EUSAIR Youth Council. This is a pivotal initiative that aims to ensure active youth participation and representation. It ensures that their voices, perspectives, and priorities are considered. In line with UNSDG principle of ‘Leave no one behind’ this helps create more inclusive policies that better address the needs and aspirations of young people from all kinds of backgrounds and foster intergenerational dialogue and understanding. Young people often have unique insights and can offer creative solutions to complex challenges. Their involvement can lead to more relevant and future-oriented policies that adapt to the changing needs of society. Through participation in youth councils and other existing initiatives, young people can develop leadership skills, entrepreneurial attitude, gain experience in governance and decision making, and become active agents of change in their communities. Some EUSAIR initiatives, such as those listed in the Annex A), have already shown the concrete results of equipping young people with concrete skills and giving them concrete challenges.
Read more in the EUSAIR Youth Council Concept Paper.