
The Strategy is founded on four thematic priorities/pillars representing key challenges as well as key opportunities in the region. For each pillar, specific topics and actions have been identified, taking into account the needs, urgency of the issue and the added value of joint actions taken in order to solve the existing challenges or build upon the future opportunities.

One strategy – four pillars


The additional, more detailed information about listed flagships is available HERE.

Pillar 1: Blue Growth

The specific objectives for this pillar are:

-To promote research, innovation and business opportunities in blue economy sectors, by facilitating the brain circulation between research and business communities and increasing their networking and clustering capacity.

-To adapt to sustainable seafood production and consumption, by developing common standards and approaches for strengthening these two sectors and providing a level playing field in the macro-region.

-To improve sea basin governance, by enhancing administrative and institutional capacities in the area of maritime governance and services.

To achieve the abovementioned objectives, Pillar 1 will focus on three topics:

  • Topic 1 – Blue technologies
  • Topic 2 – Fisheries and aquaculture
  • Topic 3 – Maritime and marine governance and services
Greece and Montenegro

Pillar coordinators

Mr Michael Chatziefstathioumchatzief@minagric.gr
Ms Irina Vukčevićirina.vukcevic@mpsv.gov.me

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19th Meeting of the TSG Pillar 1 – Blue Growth under the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR)
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PILLAR 2: Connecting the Region

The specific objectives for this pillar are:

-To strengthen maritime safety and security and develop a competitive regional intermodal port system.

-To develop reliable transport networks and intermodal connections with the hinterland, both for freight and passengers.

-To achieve a well-interconnected and well-functioning internal energy market supporting the three energy policy objectives of the EU – competitiveness, security of supply and sustainability.

To achieve the abovementioned objectives, Pillar 2 will focus on three topics:

  • Topic 1 – Maritime transport
  • Topic 2 – Intermodal connections to the hinterland
  • Topic 3 – Energy networks
Italy , Serbia and North Macedonia

Pillar coordinators

Mr Pierluigi Coppola pierluigi.coppola@mit.gov.it
Ms Tanja Popovićtanja.popovic@mgsi.gov.rs
Mr. Jovica Rakićjovica.rakic@mgsi.gov.rs
Ms Jasminka Kirkovakirkova@mtc.gov.mk
Mr Sergio F. Garribbacentro.p@virgilio.it
Ms Biljana Ramićbiljana.ramic@mre.gov.rs
Mr Dragiša Lazarevićdragisa.lazarevic@mre.gov.rs

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18th TSG 2 Energy subgroup meeting
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PILLAR 3: Environmental quality

The specific objectives for this pillar are:

-To ensure a good environmental and ecological status of the marine and coastal environment by 2020 in line with the relevant EU acquis and the ecosystem approach of the Barcelona Convention.

-To contribute to the goal of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to halt the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services in the EU by 2020, and restore them in so far as feasible, by addressing threats to marine and terrestrial biodiversity.

-To improve waste management by reducing waste flows to the sea and, to reduce nutrient flows and other pollutants to the rivers and the sea.

Two topics are identified as pivotal in relation to environmental quality in the Adriatic-Ionian Region:

  • Topic 1 – The marine environment
  • Topic 2 – Transnational terrestrial habitats and biodiversity
Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pillar coordinators

Mr Mitja Briceljmitja.bricelj@gov.si
Mr Senad Oprašićsenad.oprasic@mvteo.gov.ba

More about Coordinators and Members

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SAVE THE DATE: Mediterranean Coast and Macro-Regional Strategies Week 2025: Stronger cooperation for better future
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PILLAR 4: Sustainable Tourism

The specific objectives for this pillar are

-Diversification of the macro-region’s tourism products and services along with tackling seasonality of inland, coastal and maritime tourism demand.

-Improving the quality and innovation of tourism offer and enhancing the sustainable and responsible tourism capacities of the tourism actors across the macro-region.

To achieve the abovementioned objectives, Pillar 4 will focus on two topics:

  • Topic 1 – Diversified tourism offer (products and services)
  • Topic 2 – Sustainable and responsible tourism management (innovation and quality)
Croatia and Albania

Latest event

24th TSG 4 Meeting
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