DG REGIO’s consultation process on future Cohesion Policy

The reflection process on future Cohesion policy has started across the EU, discussions are taking place in various experts’ and stakeholders’ groups, in events and debates, including within the programmes of Cohesion Policy funds. To this end, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) launched a twofold consultation process to gather opinions/comments/suggestions as to what shape Interreg and Cohesion Policy in general should take in the next Multianual Financial Framework:

  • DG REGIO encourages Interreg programmes and macro-regional strategies (MRSs) to run a stakeholders’ consultation as they best know their constituency and already have some experience in this respect (e.g. consultations to prepare the 2014-2020 Interreg, MRSs stakeholder consultations concerning Action Plan revisions),
  • Interact will be on one hand gathering inputs from Interreg Programmes and conducting a consultation with Interreg programmes and MRSs on the other.

EUSAIR Cohesion Policy Post 2027 Consultation

The consultation on the future of Cohesion Policy beyond 2027,  is conducted by the Facility Point of the EUSAIR (IPA ADRION 2021 – 2027) with the help of StEP (IPA ADRION 2021 – 2027) and the support from M&E Factory company. The consultation is carried out in the context of a broader EU-wide effort to gather insights and recommendations for shaping the future Cohesion Policy in the next Multiannual Financial Framework. Final report on EUSAIR Perspective on future Cohesion Policy Post 2027 considering results from all activities described in detail below will be submited to European Commission in December 2024.

EUSAIR Consultations’ Activities


In order to enhance the cooperation within the Adriatic-Ionian Region and strengthen the role of macro-regional cooperation in the future Cohesion Policy the stakeholders are invited  to fill in the survey following this link.

The survey form will be open until 22 September 2024. The results of the survey will be published here.


At the 9th EUSAIR Forum in Šibenik on 16 May 2024 a joint session was organised on the topic by EUSAIR and Interreg programmes IPA ADRION and Italy Croatia. Joint summary report of the Session: Shaping Cohesion Post 2027”, can be found following the link Stakeholder consultation_Shaping Cohesion Post 2027 summary report. You can also explore the PPT presentation of the Session following the link: PPT_Stakeholder consultation_Shaping Cohesion Post 2027


At the same time as stakeholder consultation survey a survey among EUSAIR governance bodies is carried out, results of which will be considered in the Final Report to be submitted to European Commission in December 2024. The topic will also be discussed at Autumn Pillar Thematic Steering Group meetings, National Coordinators’  meetings and at the EUSAIR Governing Board.


Back to back to Greek Presidency Kick off in Corfu on 1st October 2024 a workshop with coordination, managing authorities and NIPACs of mainstream programmes in EUSAIR participating countries will be organised. Interreg EUSAIR programmes will be addressed through interviews.

INTERREG programmes’ Surveys

The EUSAIR Stakeholders Platform provides the webpage in which are collected all the Interreg post 2021-2027 consultations are currently ongoing. These consultations are the instrument with which stakeholders can help programmes shaping the future of Interreg.

Take a look at the following document on INTERREG Consultations. It will be updated from time to time whenever new consultations of Interreg programmes impacting on EUSAIR Strategy will take place.