SAVE THE DATE – Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2018 in Slovenia
The »Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2018« will take place between the 18–28 September at Slovenian coast.
The traditional event aims to promote the three EU macro-regional strategies implemented in the Slovenian territory, namely the Danube, Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine strategy and is also open to the international public. The focus is on bringing together the experts, stakeholders and general public to discuss the natural resources and economic potential of the sea and coast, as well as to raise awareness about the risks to which the sea and coast are exposed to due to the natural phenomena and human actions. This year the organizers are promising interesting activities which will be accompained with other activities organized under european and global initiatives, such as World Tourism day, European Researcher's night and European Mobility Week. More information is available in the indicative programme.
Further information about the event will be available at the EUSAIR website in the next weeks. Get a glimpse of the last year "Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2017" and related "Media and Communication Conference for EU Macro-regional Strategies".
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