Pillar 2 coordinator presenting EUSAIR Transport Masterplan at Business Forum in Milan
On November 15th 2019, Prof. Pierluigi Coppola, EUSAIR Pillar 2 (Transport sub-group) Co-cordinator participated at the "Business and Experts Forum of the Central European Initiative” in Milan, Italy. In the session dedicated to MACRO-REGIONAL POLICY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPEAN CORRIDORS Prof. Coppola presented EUSAIR strategic actions for connecting the Adriatic-Ionian Region and the progresses achieved so far in developing and implementing the EUSAIR Transport Masterplan.
The forum was organized at the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Central European Initiative (CEI) and highlighted the Italian Presidency of the said initiative. The main purpose of the event was to further promote trade and investments in the region, and to foster strategic cooperation and joint investments in infrastructural projects for the sustainable development of the CEI’s Member States.
The event attracted representatives of the European Commission DG MOVE and DG NEAR, the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, business representatives, banks and industry associations with the aim to evaluate the potential for development of land connections (road and railways), maritime connections and projects in the port sector in light of the possible evolution of the major world-wide land and sea trade routes.
The discussion was focused on how infrastructural and intermodal connectivity is a factor for development and integration in the member states of the Central European Initiative. The participants addressed also the difficulties and opportunities of financial instruments in “Connectivity” sectors.
The event was organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in collaboration with the General Secretariat of the CEI and Assolombarda.
Find more about the programme here.
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