11th TSG2 meeting dedicated to Connectivity – report from Belgrade
The 11 th EUSAIR TSG2 meeting dedicated to Energy and Transport priorities within the EUSAIR Strategy was held on 19 and 20 November 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia with the participation of seven and six national representatives for the Transport and the Energy Network Subgroups respectively. T
The meeting was also attended, for the first time, by the representative of North Macedonia. North Macedonia can participate at TSGs meeting as a guest until official inclusion in the EUSAIR Strategy. In this respect amendments to the rules of procedure of the TSG2 were approved and will be sent to the EUSAIR Governing Board.
The EUSAIR TSG2 "Connectivity" priority is implemented through Transport and Energy subgroups.

For the Transport sub-group the meeting has been the occasion to monitor the state of implementation of the open list of the 44 EUSAIR-labelled projects and to identify new ones, namely NEWBRAIN and SUSPORT. The progresses on the Transport Masterplan was noted and plans for a specific workshop to be held in Italy on February 2020 have been made.
For the Energy Networks sub-group the meeting focused on the EUSAIR-labelled projects for energy networks. It was decided to promote a broad Masterplan for Energy Networks in Adriatic-Ionian Region with a road-map and the years 2030 and 2050 as the time horizon. Means for financing the projects were discussed and a workshop with the main financial institutions will be held mid-2020.
During the meeting, the work programme 2020 was approved, including the participation at the 5th EUSAIR Annual Forum, with two thematic sessions on Transport and Energy Networks, as well as participation in additional international events (e.g. the European Transport Conference) in order to promote EUSAIR among institutional stakeholders and specific target groups interested in the EUSAIR Strategy.
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