Only 2 days left to register for #SEA4FUTURE
Dear EUSAIR Friends,
Next week, the international Mediterranean Coast and Macroregional Strategies Week 2019 will be officially launched.
The official opening ceremony will start on 17 September 2019 at 12:00 in Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia.
The slogan of this year's series of events is #SEA4FUTURE and will be held from 17 to 28 September 2019 in Slovenian coastal towns of Izola, Koper, Portorož, Strunjan, the Croatian coastal town of Poreč and Italian coastal town of Grado.
The attendees are coming from 12 different countries of Europe, including the European Commission, the European territorial cooperation programs known as Interreg and representatives of national governments.
The registrations are closing down in 2 days. The last deadline to register is Friday, 13 September 2019.
If considering to attend the event, don't hesitate and register now.
The complete programme is available here.
The event is open to public and free of charge.
The Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week is a traditional event, organized in the last week of September, at the occasion of the Mediterranean Coast Day, celebrated on the 25th of September. The 25th of September was chosen as the Mediterranean Coast Day to honour Republic of Slovenia as the first country in the Mediterranean region which ratified the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in 2009. In Slovenia, the celebration is widely known as the “Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week” and is inextricably linked to the regional cooperation under the three European macro-regional strategies implemented in the Slovenian territory, namely the Danube (EUSDR), Adriatic-Ionian (EUSAIR) and Alpine strategy (EUSALP).
A series of events organized within the scope of the Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2019 will adress the current challenges and future potentials of the sea and coast. A special attention will be given on seizing opportunities and creating synergies between the Adriatic coastal region with the hinterlands of the Danube and Alpine regions. The main topics will tackle the environment, sustainable tourism, mobility, health, research and innovation, as well as the project development and cross-sectorial collaboration for the benefit of the people living in all three macro-regions.
The Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2019 is jointly organized by several ministries of the Republic of Slovenia, research institutions, academia, NGOs and other public institutions.
As the sea and coast are inextricably linked with the EUSAIR Strategy, Slovenian institutions which belong to the EUSAIR governance structures are playing an active role in the overall organization of the event.

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