Final Report on EUSAIR Slovene Presidency 20-21
Slovenian Presidency of EUSAIR officially concluded its tasks and prepared a Final Report to demonstrate that working on the macro-level can indeed overcome even the tiniest micro-issues.
We have left a trace!
With the successful organisation of the 6th Forum, Izola has shown that municipalities are important factors of development and a partner of the state in joint planning and execution of European projects and consultations. We are especially proud that we have left a trace with the Izola Declaration and have restored the signs Protect the Sea, which will be a reminder of the Forum. The coasts of the shared sea can only remain clean with the cooperation of all countries in sustainable management.
- Iztok Škerlič,
Public Institute for the Promotion of Enterpreneurship and Development
Projects of the Municipality of Izola, EUSAIR Facility Point Slovene Project Partner
With the 6th EUSAIR Forum, Slovenian Presidency of EUSAIR officially concluded its tasks and prepared a Final Report to demonstrate EUSAIR's achievements in connecting people and institutions to build a common understanding of cooperation for a harmonised, integrated and sustainable region.
The period from 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021 was rich in breakthroughs for our most attractive macro-region in Europe.
The Final Report is a great proof that working on the macro-level and developing joint multi-level solutions for common challenges can indeed overcome even the tiniest micro-issues.
Despite Covid-19, the results are here and it is up to every single one of us to continue our common path on the wave of success towards our vision of a stronger Adriatic and Ionian region!
It’s easier to sail when we’re all aboard the flagships!
The year of the Slovene Presidency started successfully – with the Governing Board adopting the EUSAIR flagship projects for the period 2021-2027.
The 6th EUSAIR Forum concluded the year of the Slovene Presidency with clear recognition of the importance of embedding these flagships projects. The process of monitoring was also explicitly mentioned in the Izola Declaration, making it a durable legacy of this year. Together with the recognition of Green Connectivity as a »transversal component of all pillars in order to contribute to Europe’s green recovery and green future«, special attention of the Slovene Presidency was devoted to the young generation as the major victims of the Covid-19 epidemic and climate crisis. The 6th EUSAIR Forum at the same time recognised youth as the biggest hope of new thinking and an innovative approach in solving contemporary challenges, so Slovenia took it as a real compliment when Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka emphasized that they will continue the good practice of the Slovene Presidency – focusing specifically on young people!
- Andreja Jerina,
National Coordinator of EU Macro-regional Strategies
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia
Last, but not least, to our dear Albanian colleagues:
May the report serve you as a roadmap and best wishes for a great fresh start of the
Albanian Presidency 21-22!
For all content, video and photo reports, presentations, newsletters...everything related to the 6th EUSAIR Forum follow this link!
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