Tirana has hosted EUSAIR Facility Point partnership
The EUSAIR Facility Point family is growing! Last meeting was well attended and conversations among partners are becoming more deep and operational.
The 6th EUSAIR FP Steering Group took place in lovely Tirana in Albania. Lonely Planet once described Tirana as a city of a never-ending movement and energy. Having undergone a transformation of extraordinary proportions since awaking from its communist slumber in the early 1990s, Tirana's centre is now unrecognisable from those grey days, with buildings painted in primary colours, and public squares and pedestrianised streets that are a pleasure to wander after having a long day of meetings.

Especially, if they are as productive as this Steering Group meeting, at which all project partners were present and held a constructive debate about how to carry out project's activities in a best way possible. EUSAIR Facility Point is an atypical - strategic project that has no classical activities, but adapts them to the needs of EUSAIR Thematic Steering Groups. The process has different dynamics, in terms of Pillars as well as within the participating countries and including the relation between the EU and non-EU member states. Integration is an important, but a time consuming element, which is in the process of being improved.
Good practice experiences were exchanged with the purpose to learn from each other. In this regard quite some number of capacity buildings and workshops will be organised under Facility Point Plus. Whereas Facility Point is already working on its internal evaluation in order to optimise investments of remaining funds accordingly to the foreseen project activities. Modus Operandi will be adopted for the needs of Facility Point project partners at national level or for the needs of the Pillars to assure transparency of the processes and knowledge transfer. Referring to transparency some conclusions on internal and external communication were also met. Another novelty are national webpages, on which project partners will have the opportunity to present their work to national publics. In the future Financial dialogues at national and macro-regional level will start to take place on regular basis. Monitoring and Evaluation structure is being set as well and EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform is finally becoming operational, which provides new cooperation opportunities that will make the EUSAIR process even more effective.
So to say, EUSAIR Facility Point is at the point of accelerated and full operation!

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