1st meeting of the EUSAIR Governing Board took place in Ancona (Italy) on 22/23 January 2015
Following the adoption of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) by the European Council in October last year, the EUSAIR Governing Board held its first meeting in Ancona (Italy) on 22-23 January 2015.
Main points in the agenda were the preparation of the kick-off meetings of the Thematic Steering Groups per pillar, a discussion on the general criteria for the identification and prioritisation of actions/projects, and the setting up of a Facility Point for the support to the implementation of the Strategy. The meeting was co-chaired by Bosnia and Herzegovina (chair pro tempore of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative) and the European Commission (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy).

As devised in the Working paper on governance and management structures endorsed by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the eight participating countries in the EUSAIR Launch Conference (Brussels, 18 November 2014), the Governing Board coordinates the work of the Thematic Steering Groups in charge of implementation through strategic guidance with respect to the implementation of the Strategy and its Action Plan.
Participants include: Representatives of the eight participating countries (National and Pillar Coordinators), the Commission services, the Permanent Secretariat of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative, representatives of other EU institutions and bodies, the Managing Authority of the future ADRION programme and the authority responsible for the EUSAIR Facility Point under that programme.
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