Thematic session: Connecting the Region: Energy Networks (Pillar 2) – Energy Networks for a Green Adriatic-Ionian Region
It is well recognised by our EUSAIR key implementers that the Adriatic-Ionian Region should develop a collective ability to transform its energy system and economy towards a more green and sustainable path. Delivering reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to confront climate change is the challenge. The EUSAIR must be at the forefront of coordinated efforts by its participating countries to achieve environmentally sustainable solutions for the energy transition and therefore a debate at the 5th EUSAIR Annual Forum was opened in this regard and concluded by 3 three main conclusions:
First, the EUSAIR has a key role in contributing to and accelerating the transition towards more integrated and interconnected energy systems through the Adriatic-Ionian Region and beyond. To confront the climate challenge enhanced collaboration and harmonised energy programmes and investments are needed with a view at green carbon-neutral economies in the long term.
Second, new power lines, new gas interconnection and infrastructure, adoption of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency and more should be envisioned to strengthen energy security and resilience while protecting environment, promoting economic growth, innovation and industrial leadership.
Third, concrete policy and coordinated regulatory measures at EUSAIR and multilateral level are essential to prepare and shape the green Adriatic-Ionian Region while respecting the different starting points of EUSAIR member countries.
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