Project NAMIRIS successfully submitted!!
The aim of the project is to enhance the prevention and protection from, the effects of maritime disasters in the Adriatic Sea by adopting holistic approach to marine pollution incident management at-sea and on-shore.

On 8th of June project NAMIRIS has been successfully submitted to the European Commission Funding & Tenders Portal for evaluation as answer to Prevention and Preparedness Projects for Civil Protection and Marine Pollution UCPM-2021-PP- call (DG ECHO). The project was drafted with the support and coordination of Facility Point project partner Municipality of Izola and is based on the EUSAIR’s TSG3 flagship project ASOSOCoP. The aim of the project is to enhance the prevention and protection from, the effects of maritime disasters in the Adriatic Sea by adopting holistic approach to marine pollution incident management at-sea and on-shore. The estimated budget of the project is 950.398,00 EUR.
It brings together 7 project partners: INCE Central European Initiative – Segretariato Esecutivo Italy, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia - Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, Italy, Adriatic Training and Research Centre for accidental marine pollution preparedness and response, Croatia, University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Portorož, Slovenia, Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Croatia and General Command of the Port Authority Corps - Coast Guard, Italy.
The main output of the project will be the Guidelines for the revision and update of the Sub-Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan, that will encompass an assessment of the environmental risks related to incidents and consequent oil-spills in North Adriatic with particular attention to sensitive sea areas. It will also identify cross-border anti-pollution key-actors in the three partner countries and map the procedures mechanisms and equipment already in place at national levels, which need transnational comparison and harmonisation. Furthermore, it will define the cross-border impacts and the methods of action of relevant authorities and stakeholders in case of an accidental pollution of the Adriatic Sea. The project aims also to define the Standard operating procedures for first responders to ensure improved communication and enhanced operational coordination. Procedures will include specific measures and instructions to first responders engaged in a potential coordinated anti-pollution action at transnational level. They will be tested within the simulation exercise at sea with a dedicated Training programme that will be jointly elaborated to make sure that the Standard Operating Procedures and the Guidelines are fully understood and applicable.
"Take care of our sea!" says Janez, 9 years - We are working on the task you gave us, Janez!

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