Invitation to Side Events at COP23Med in Portorož
We are delighted to extend an invitation for participation to the side events happening around the 23rd Meeting of the Mediterranean States, hosted by Slovenia, which will also mark the commencement of the two-year Presidency of the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea and Coasts, widely recognized as the Barcelona Convention. This year's theme, "For a green Mediterranean: from decisions to action," underscores the urgency and commitment to environmental sustainability in the region.
The Conference for the Mediterranean will take place from 5-8 December 2023 at the Hotel Bernardin, Portorož.
You are invited to register for the accompanying events, which are detailed in the programme HERE.
The Conference for the Mediterranean will take place from 5-8 December 2023 at the Hotel Bernardin, Portorož. You are invited to register for the accompanying events, which are detailed in the programme HERE.
You can register on the portal:
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING REGISTRATION: Registration is mandatory for participation due to UN security arrangements. To register, choose "Side Events: For Organisers and Side Events Visitors."
More information about the conference can be found on the official website
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