Facility Point Lead partner and Facility Point Plus attended the 4th INTERACT working group meeting for MRS
On 10 October, the EUSAIR Facility Point Lead partner and Facility Point Plus project attended the INTERACT event in Brussels.
The event was attended by supporting bodies of all four macroregional strategies, the EUSALP the EUSDR, EUSBSR and EUSAIR and their communication units.
Participants discussed the common capacity building needs and related support and services that can be provided by Interact to all four macro-regional strategies.
The discussion circulated around the following domains: communication, capitalisation and alignment of funding (known as embedding) and with a special attention to the following questions:
"What is the essence of macro-regional strategies and how can we make a sense of macro-regions for the external audience?"
"What type of common messages can we develop for all four macro-regional strategies?"
"How can we better explain and describe roles and responsibilites of key implementers dealing with macro-regions?«
"Would a common branding help in explaining the added value of macro-regions?"
"How to align macro-regional strategies with other funding sources, especially the ESIF mainstream programmes and ETC programmes?"
As strategic communication was one of the key topics on the day, communication managers from all four macro-regional strategies attended the event. All participants agreed that the the domains should be further elaborated and possibilities for common conducting common activities and support should be further explored.
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