EUSAIR Facility Point Monitoring&Evaluation Expert Meeting

Athens, Greece | 7 November 2019

This meeting will give the opportunity to all M&E experts appointed so far at all partner countries of the EUSAIR to meet each other, exchange views and design their common way to the successful implementation and completion of their tasks.

An indicative Agenda runs as follows:

1. Brief presentation of the EUSAIR M&E Experts - contracts, tasks, activities.
2. Presentation by the M&E Expert of the M&E project: state of play, tasks in progress, next steps
3. Brief presentation of the Pillar Knowledge Base Study – Where do other pillars stand?
4. EUSAIR Monitoring Pillar I Report – process of preparation, preliminary findings, exchange of views with other pillars, Q&As, next steps
5. EUSAIR Synthetic Report: Template of the report, requirements for the EUSAIR Synthetic Report preparation.
6. Extra tips: Methodology for info & data collection, definition of projects, upcoming tasks, communication & dissemination needs
7. Statistics and Indicators: Use of indicators of ESPON monitoring tool, requirements by IPA countries, complimentary/additional indicators
8. Pillar-related study(ies): Brief presentation of the Pillar I study template.