Deadline for application for Routes4U grants expires on 4 February 2019!
Also...don't miss out the chance to read an interesting publication “Roadmap for the Adriatic-Ionian Region"!
Cultural Routes networks certified by the Council of Europe have until the 4 February 2019 to apply to the Routes4U Grants. Project proposals shall produce an added value in the domain of Cultural Routes and EU macro-regional strategies, helping to enhance the common identity within the macro-regional strategies involved.
Read further and especially get informed about the Call for EUSAIR!
Another interesting news is also that the useful publication “Roadmap for the Adriatic-Ionian Region”, which provides background information and recommendations for stakeholders working in the field of sustainable tourism, cultural cooperation and social participation, is completed and available HERE! It contains guidelines for national, regional and local authorities in the Adriatic-Ionian Region on the certification and management of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
The Roadmap for the Adriatic-Ionian Region is the first to measure the presence, impact and future of the Cultural Routes in the Adriatic and Ionian Region. In order to identify macro-regional needs on sustainable cultural tourism and transnational cultural cooperation, data of all Cultural Routes crossing the Adriatic and Ionian Region concerning activities, members, thematic priorities and geographical coverage have been retrieved and analysed.
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