Contribution of EUSAIR/EUSDR priority actions to Economic and Investment Plan of Western Balkans
The European Commission has supported the idea of Slovenian EUSAIR Presidency about organizing a joint EUSAIR/EUSDR event on "Contribution of EUSAIR/EUSDR priority actions to Economic and Investment Plan of Western Balkans".
Therefore please feel invited to join the discussion at the meeting held on 2 March 2021 (13:00 to 15:15 CET) in the framework of the 2nd MRS Week organised by the European Commission. Registration is open until 22nd February 2021:
The aim of the event is to explore how do the agreed priorities (to be embedded) of the Macro-regional Strategies match with those of Economic and Investment Plan of Western Balkans and its flagships. This could in turn facilitate a quick start of macro-regional agreed priorities implementation and speed up the economic recovery of the Western Balkan.
Pursuing the idea of an inclusive and forward-looking event, the focus will be on a limited number of selected topics as "cases" where the strongest links for EUSAIR and EUSDR priorities with the Economic and Investment Plan of Western Balkans have been identified. Due to time limitations the spot light will be directed to one Priority Area of the EUSDR (Rail-Road-Air Mobility) and one Pillar of EUSAIR (Environmental Quality).
The Contribution of EUSAIR and EUSDR to the implementation of Economic and Investment Plan for Western Balkans - RELEVANT DOCUMENT:
- Agenda of the event
- Concept note
- Table showing a significant overlap between the EIP flagship initiatives and strategic "flagship" topics of EUSAIR and EUSDR to be embedded in the Cohesion Policy and IPA programming documents
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