Belgrade as a centre of EUSAIR discussion on Connectivity
A successful TSG 2 meeting related to Connecting the Region under the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) took place in Belgrade, Serbia on 14th and 15th November in The Palace of Serbia.
Participation was satisfactory including the designated members or their delegated representatives of all 8 countries within Transport Sub-Group and 6 countries within Energy Sub-Group. Representatives of European Commission, European Investment Bank, EUSAIR Facility Point, EUSAIR Facility Point Plus and Serbian National Coordinator took part in the meeting as well.
The meeting was occasion to jointly share any update on the already labelled projects and to present new ones to be labelled. Discussion included needs and outlook of master plan regarding Energy Infrastructure. Update on recent energy directives and policy recommendations by the European Union were presented.

Transport Sub-Group on parallel session considered topics related to the 2nd call for proposals of ADRION Programme. Ideas for cross pillar projects were introduced and it is agreed to prepare drafts and communicate them within the group by the end of the year. Next steps in development of master plan in Transport Sub-Group were argued.
Both Groups discussed priorities to be included in the 2021-2027 ESI Partnership Agreements and IPA III programming framework.

The process of debating and selecting project ideas to be supported under the EUSAIR Facility Point strategic project (Work Package T2) as monopillar project ideas and the Facility Point Plus as cross pillar project ideas were tackled. Deadlines for submission of Annual Progress Report for 2018 and Action Plan for 2019 were defined.
The next 10th TSG 2 meeting will take place in Rome, Italy in mid-April 2019.

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