The blue economy in the Adriatic-Ionian region: The value and development of nautical tourism
Brindisi, Italy and online | 28 September 2022
The Blue Economy is embedded in, and dependent on, the natural environment. And while this makes it vulnerable to the problems of climate change and environmental decline, it also means it has enormous potential to transform our economy and plays an important role in achieving the ambitions of the European Green Deal, as it is analysed in the most recent European Blue Economy Report 2022.
EU Blue Economy includes all sectoral and cross-sectoral economic activities based on or related to the oceans, seas and coasts: Marine-based activities and Marine-related activities, among which Coastal Tourism is the most mature and growing industry in terms of gross value added (GVA) and employment. In 2018 51.7% of the Union’s tourist accommodation facilities were located in coastal areas: this, therefore, highlights how coastal, maritime and nautical tourism is becoming increasingly important for the EU.
On the basis of the Report on establishing an EU strategy for sustainable tourism (2020/2038(INI)) drafted by the European Parliament, the European Commission is invited to finance and promote initiatives in favour of a new and more developed nautical tourism. As a follow-up to the event organized in Split last October on the preservation of the coasts, the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce in cooperation with Brindisi Chambers of Commerce and Assonautica Italiana, organises an AI-NURECC Plus Side event focusing on the value and possible developments of nautical tourism.
To learn more about the event, read the agenda and register follow this LINK.