1st EU Macro-regional strategies week

Brussels, Belgium | 17-21 February 2020

For the first time, the EU Macro Regional Strategies Week will take place from 17 to 21 February 2020 in Brussels, hosted by European Commission - DG REGIO. A number of important events will gather key implementors of all four Macro Regional Strategies to discuss their future in line with the new priorities of the Commission and the ongoing negotiations:

17 February ADRION Task Force meeting

18 February Technical meeting of EUSAIR Pillar Coordinators and informal Technical meeting of EUSAIR National Coordinators

18-19 February EUSAIR Governing Board meeting related to the embedding process

19-20 February Common meeting of Managing Authorities of ESRR, ESS, TNP and EUSALP related to the embedding process

19 February Networking event Let's talk to your neighbours! organised for all Macro Regional Strategies and representaives of EU institutions by French Presidency of EUSALP

20 February EUSDR national coordination related to the embedding process

20 February Meeting of Trio Presidency of all four Macro Regional Strategies in organisation of Croatian Presidency of EUSDR

20 February Meeting with Mr Varhelyi, the Commissioner for Enlargement on the topic of the Macro Regional Strategies role on the incusion of the Western Balkan

21 February High Level Group meeting intended for exchange of experiences between Macro Regional Strategies regarding the common embedding process and feedbacks on the EU Green Deal and what it means for Macro Regional Strategies

As seen above all events are addressing the embedding process of including Macro Regional Strategies contents in the Programme documents, sharing experience and practices between all four Macro Regional Strategies, involving also the relevant Managing Authorities and finding systemic solutions within the EU legal framework, which would exploit the potential of Macro Regional Strategies to the fullest and facilitate the process of their placement in the Financial Programmes; in both EU Member States and (potential) candidate countries.